Communication for extended learning
Your learning is greatly improved in interaction with other people. A communications centre gives you continual opportunities to exchange views and experiences with fellow course participants and to open new windows on the world.Besides what you find in the comcentre menu, there is also a top menu button, taking you to the course discussion forum.
|Participant list|
For closed courses only. Course participants are automatically listed as they register. The list provides an overview of the course members and it is used for internal email messages, both to the whole group and to individual members.
You can choose to be listed with your Skype identity and talk and chat with other course members.
In your Learning Log (button in the top menu), you can write/edit/publish your personal blog. You can choose to show it to course members only or to the whole world.
The ForumEducation platform includes a project module. It is used to make it easier for project members to communicate and update group work.
Special events, e.g. book circles, are advertised on the ForumEducation login page and on your personal start page. Then they are administered under |More|.