Course plan

Your individual course plan is based on your profile and nine ForumEducation levels. Your goal for each one of the six areas (vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, speaking, writing) is automatically set at one (1) level higher than your profile.

As learning to learn is a central course goal, guides and instructions as well as materials in each "corner" of the course room have a learning to learn touch. You will find more about this as you explore the main menu.

Here is what student Charlie has to do in order to improve his vocabulary

Charlie's profile indicates that he has reached FE level 3 for vocabulary, so he is advised to work on achieving FE level 4. Similar goals are set for the other five areas, so that he gets the right materials.

Vocabulary level 4

Student Charlie


DEMO comment: learners at FE level 4 have a vocabulary between 4,500 and 8,000, which is a big difference.

General level goal: 4,500-8,000 words
It is part of the learn to learn concept to set clear and realistic goals. It is recommended that you try to think in terms of goals. So you need to decide on a goal somewhere between four thousand five hundred and eight thousand. You should make sure you learn at least 1,000 new words before going on to level 5. Your placement test result is available under |Assessment| when you open the |Learning log| menu.

Overview of all 9 vocabulary levels >>> (not linked in DEMO)


Course materials

- VOCABULARY -   in the main menu has lots of |Exercises|, and an important |Guide| to working with words.

bullet Use the |Guide|
bullet Do at least 4 - 5 of the |Word formation|, |Structured exercises|
bullet Do the |Word formation|, |Prefixes| exercises

  SaveWord - Build your personal glossary!

This is your best tool for reaching your vocabulary goal. Whatever exercise you are working on, reading, listening, etc., just  select  words and add them to your glossary. Build your own word list (glossary) and check your progress by generating your own tests. This is your key tool!


When your glossary contains 1,250 words and you score 80% on your personal vocabulary tests, then you have learnt 1,000 words.

 Dictionaries - Work on your look-up habits!

WordSmyth, also in the top menu, is a useful on-line dictionary. Use it for word explanations. You also need a good dictionary for translations into your own language.


To learn all the new words
bullet Read and listen as much as you can
bullet Write words and say them aloud
bullet Work on word formation
bullet Use SaveWord !


Overall routines

The overall framework, regardless of level, background, and learning experience, is to (learn to) incorporate the seven keys to self-reliant learning (not linked in DEMO):
  1. Clear and realistic goals >>>
  2. Awareness of resources >>>
  3. Motivation >>>
  4. Good planning >>>
  5. Brain-friendly working routines >>>
  6. Continual assessment >>>
  7. Continual evaluation >>>

The more you understand about your "learning brain", the better. Part 6 of  - THEME -  gives you a good introduction.
